Asthma Steriods Cause Adrenal Gland Side Effects
Steroids are commonly prescribed for sufferers of asthma and allergies, but a study has now found that once these prescribed steroids are finished many patients could experience adrenal insufficiency, which can be dangerous, especially in the instance of a major stress (i.e. surgery, illness, injury). Corticosteroids are purposed to mimic naturally adrenal gland produced cortisol and generally prescribed for a variety of reasons to reduce inflammation. Inflammation counters are often necessary in conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, allergies, psoriasis, lupus, blood cancers, and organ transplants. When the adrenal insufficiency side effect occurs, a couple of vital hormones are not produced in sufficient amounts, including cortisol and aldosterone. The cortisol is necessary in helping the body react to stress, to recover from infections, and to regulate both blood pressure and metabolism. Aldosterone helps keep a balance of salt, potassium, and water in the body. After stopping the man-made corticosteroids, it can take a while for the body to start producing these two hormones again in sufficient amounts, so medication is needed to combat this side effect.