
Omaha Personal Injury Attorney Helps Those Injured in Accidents

I’m John Inserra one of the attorneys with Inserra & Kelley.

When a person is involved in an accident that results in personal injury or property damage, they are always faced with the question: should I hire a Lawyer?

Our advice is to always talk to a lawyer so you know the legal path you will find yourself.

We will assist you in navigating that legal path and we will advise you on a broad range of issues such as: Investigation of the facts and legal issues; management of medical care and medical bills; evaluation of current and future damages; negotiation of your claim for settlement; and, filing your lawsuit and trial.

A Inserra & Kelley we have handled personal injury claims for 60 years


Looking For Help?

Contact us now for a free, confidential consultation on your personal injury case. We focus on healing, then get results.