Black Tea and Kidney Failure
Chances are drinking tea has been growing on you lately given that, the market for tea in the United States has grown by more than four times in the past twenty or so years. People are drinking twenty percent more tea than was consumed back in 2000. America’s favorite kind is black tea, which accounts for more than half of all tea consumed in the country. While this might seem healthy, it seems that once again too much of something is not always a good thing. A man in Arkansas was storied to consume sixteen glasses of black tea every day, about a gallon total. People are often encouraged to drink a gallon of water each day, and many would add some black tea to that to add a little flavor. The Arkansas man, unfortunately, experienced kidney failure that was linked to his black tea habit.
Black tea contains oxalate, a chemical also found in good foods like spinach, rhubarb, nuts, wheat bran, and a lot of people’s favorite, chocolate. Too much oxalate has been found to cause trouble with kidney stones or kidney failure, especially to individuals with accompanying intestinal problems. The man from Arkansas presented to a hospital with symptoms of body aches, fatigue, nausea, and weakness and it was found his kidneys were backed up and inflamed due to oxalate, with no history of kidney disease in his family. Now this man will likely be on dialysis for the rest of his life.
No one needs to panic and stop drinking black tea, for it can still be a healthy beverage when consumed in balanced amounts. This case is not something seen every single day, but something to take into consideration next time you reach for your next glass or cup of tea. Inserra & Kelley Law Offices strives to keep you informed in order to stay safe and healthy with informed choices.