
Firework Safety for Independence Day

The Fourth of July means many things to America, the most important of which is an opportunity to celebrate the freedom we celebrate in this country.  It is a time for family, friends and fun.  It can also be a dangerous time for children and adults.  Over 550...

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Can Child Car Heatstroke Deaths be Prevented?

  It is being called an epidemic.  Some people say they do not understand how any parent could leave a child in a hot car, for minutes or hours at a time, while other parents, such as Sunny Hostin, Legal Analyst from CNN, are coming forward to admit that yes,...

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What to Do After an Automobile Accident

It happens in a second, often without warning.  It can be a short term inconvenience or a life altering event.  Most of us have been involved in some sort of automobile accident in our life.  Even if you are the most careful driver operating a vehicle with a high...

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Summer Road Trips: Are your tires safe?

Summer is here and it is time to plan the family vacation.  When we learn to drive a car, we learn basic vehicle safety.  We are told to check the oil, kick the tires and make sure our fluid levels are steady.  But what about what we cannot easily see?  A vehicle’s...

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Food and Grill Safety Tips

Summer is here and with it comes the beginning of summer picnics, parties and sporting events.  When grilling, be aware that your children can be very fascinated with not only the food on the grill, but the fire as well.  Never leave your grill unattended and ensure...

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Pradaxa: Do the risks outweigh the benefits?

Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States and the leading cause of long term disability.  Pradaxa was approved in October of 2010 in an effort to provide a safer alternative to oral warfarin, injectable low molecular weight heparin or asprin,...

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