
Spooktacular Safety Tips for Halloween

Fall brings many recreational activities such as football, trips to the pumpkin patch, hayrack rides and, of course, Halloween.  As a child growing up in a small Nebraska town in the late 70s and early 80s, Halloween was fun and fairly safe.  The worst we had to worry...

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Nebraska Dog Bites Fall Under Strict Liability Statute

They are man’s best friend.  They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent.  Although the majority of time dogs are docile and friendly, they sometimes can be dangerous.  Dogs can be aggressive, sometimes lacking malicious intent, but causing serious injury or death...

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Lawyers Against Hunger

Inserra & Kelley will again be hosting the Lawyers Against Hunger turkey giveaway to support our community.  This year’s event will take place on November 26, 2013 between 2:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. in the No Frills Supermarket parking lot located at 50th & G...

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Hunting Safety Prevents Tragic Accidents

The fall season brings many fun activities including football games, Halloween and, of course, hunting season.  In Nebraska, big game hunting seasons begin in late August and continue through the end of January.   Whether you prefer to hunt with a bow and arrow or...

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