
Button Battery Beware

Lithium button batteries are highly popular during and following the holiday season and commonly used in watches, hearing aids, remote controls, calculators, toys, and even musical greeting cards.  A sad story has been reported of a toddler in Oklahoma losing his life...

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EOS Lip Balm Lawsuit

It’s the cold, dry time of year that makes lip balm a staple for many people, but popular Evolution of Smooth (EOS) lip balm is now the subject of a lawsuit due to disturbing side effects.  Celebrity promoters Kim Kardashian and Britney Spears are used to market the...

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Keyless Ignition Deaths Jump

Back in the summer we warned about keyless ignitions being linked to carbon monoxide defects leading to sickness and death.  Ten of the big automakers were the defendants in lawsuits at that time due to the defects and now a new report out December 21, 2015 says that...

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Third Wave of Asbestos Victims

You may have seen an earlier blog on our site discussing the dangers of asbestos and the deadly condition, mesothelioma being the worst consequence of the substance.  Since being outlawed in the 1970s, asbestos has been known to be a deadly cause of cancer, including...

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Chipotle E.coli Cases Growing

As reported here previously, Chipotle restaurants in the United States are not having a good year.  The Centers for Disease Control has just come out again on December 21, 2015 with reports of more E. coli related illnesses linked to the embattled restaurant chain’s...

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FDA May Ban Indoor Tanning for Under 18

Does your teenager use indoor tanning beds and booths?  If so, this habit may be hampered if the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decides to go through with a “ban” for indoor tanning for individuals under the age of 18.  The supposed ban is more of a policy...

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Apps to Halt Distracted Driving

Distracted driving has become a big time problem in our hurried, technology addicted, constantly connected and on society.  Texting and driving is one of the biggest distractions of our times and the phenomenon causes thousands of fatal accidents in the United States...

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