Celebrity hair stylist and reality star, Chaz Dean is famous for a line of hair care products he created, called WEN, supposedly better for hair without all the harsh ingredients like lathering detergents. However, these products are now part of an embarrassing...
Hoverboard Dangers
Our Nebraska readers may associate the now popular hoverboard with its popularity among Nebraska Cornhusker football players. In fact, the hoverboard has become a very popular craze nationwide and is sure to be a regular on the Christmas list of many Americans. ...
Celery E.coli Outbreak
There is another E.coli contamination to report in celery. It is not just regular celery purchased in produce departments all over the United States, but other products containing celery produced by Taylor Farms Pacific in California. Consumers must also look at...
Can You Do Anything to Not Get a Foodborne Illness These Days?
As Chipotle restaurant stores reopen, experts remind us that one in seven Americans get sick from food every year. (Corbis) In the wake of the announcement that the Chipotle restaurants that were temporarily closed down to an alarming E. coli outbreak in the Pacific...
Mislabeled Birth Control Packaging Equals Greater than 100 Pregnancies
Okay there may be many of you out there breaking out in a cold sweat when you hear this latest news flash. Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is accused in a lawsuit by Qualitest, Inc. due to the mispackaging of birth control pills leading to at least 113 unplanned...
Still No Evidence Those Silicone Breast Implants Are Safe
Perhaps many of you are out there thinking that the days of danger with silicone breast implants are long gone and over with? Unfortunately, there has been recent notice given to the fact that there still has not been any reliable, hard evidence given to the public...
Red Flags on Your Next Dental Visit
Perhaps the recent Halloween candy frenzy is sending you or your family on a dental visit? There are things that the dental patient should beware when it comes to dental offices for safety and health. A list has been compiled of twelve red flags that should make...
Advice for Your Happiest Thanksgiving!
With the holidays quickly approaching, Inserra & Kelley wants to wish everyone, first, Happy Thanksgiving! In keeping with our desire to keep you ever informed of ways to stay safe and healthy, we will present you with some thoughts for celebrating Thanksgiving...
Tips for the Popular Drone Christmas Gift
I was in my local cell phone sales office the other day and it was brought to my attention that personal/hobbyist drones are all the rage for gift giving in the upcoming holiday gift giving season. It is estimated that in 2015 a million drones will be given as gifts...
Beware of Popular GoPro Distractions
With the holidays approaching, consumers are starting to shop and there are gifts out there that will be very popular this year, with one being the GoPro camera. 2015 promises to be another big year for the GoPro and it is not unusual for parents to gift this to...