E-cigarettes consumers turn to when kicking the regular cigarette habit is proving dangerous in other ways. They have the potential to explode and the news has abounded with stories on injured users from explosions. A man in Florida suffered severe burns, internally...
MRSA Dangers in the Gym
MRSA, or Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is a staph infection resistant to drugs. Many people have visited people in the hospital or nursing home and been met with a sign at the door to use a glove, mask, and gown to protect one’s self from contracting...
Smartphones Distract Drivers Even When Not In Use
We are regularly alerted to the dangers of texting and driving, but are you aware that your smartphone can distract you even when you are just texting at red lights or using your hands-free technology to use them? Research studies have been done that reveal...
Fiat Chrysler Jeep and Ram Recalls
is doing another recall, this time of almost 94,000 2015 Jeeps and also more than 86,000 Ram Pickups, mostly in North America. The air conditioning lines in the Jeep Cherokees were placed in such a close proximity to the exhaust manifold that they could catch fire. ...
Sanofi Recalls Epi Injectors
Sanofi, the maker of epinephrine injectors for severe allergic reactions, has placed a recall on hundreds of thousands of its epi injectors due to the fact they may not provide the right amount of epinephrine and endanger lives of its users. The Auvi-Q injection pack...
Halloween Safety
It’s October and in a couple of weeks Halloween will arrive with all the precious trick or treaters out there celebrating what has become a rite of passage growing up in the United States of America. Parents can do some things to assure their children’s’ safety, such...
Health Supplements Not So Healthy When ER Trip Results
Natural and herbal supplement products are big business, with over 150 million Americans taking dietary supplements each year in a $14.8 billion dollar industry. This industry is not subject to much regulation and usually has no requirements for Food and Drug...
Dangers of Herbal Viagra
Unless you are living under a rock, you have likely heard about ex-pro basketball player and reality celebrity, Lamar Odom, overdosing recently, and reports he was possibly overusing herbal Viagra. It has been reported Mr. Odom was known to take eight to ten herbal...
Sharing the Roads with Farm Equipment at Harvest Time
It’s harvest time in America and when traveling the highways and byways of rural areas the average driver is more than likely to see a combine or some other form of farm equipment sharing the highway at slow speeds. Drivers need to be on alert and ready to come upon...
Zimmer Knee Recall
Zimmer, Inc. is a company that manufactures the Zimmer Persona Trabecular Metal Tibial Plate Knee Implant for use in knee replacements. The company has a negative history, first having done a voluntary recall of these knee replacement parts, as well as a...