An apple a day keeps the doctor away, as long as the apple is not one of the apples from a California plant recently connected to a deadly listeria outbreak, according to the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). The subject plant apple processing plant in question is...
Recalls, Defects Dominate Automotive Headlines for 2014
For the automotive industry, 2014 was the year of the recall. You couldn’t pick up a newspaper, turn on the evening news or check your favorite news site without hearing about another new and alarming recall. And unfortunately for car owners everywhere, recalls show...
Syngenta GMO Corn Seed Lawsuits
Genetically modified (GMO) corn seeds are the norm in today’s farming world and many American farmers rely on them for choice income producing crops each year. Now American farmers are taking up a fight against at least one big seed company for selling those GMO seeds...
SynchroMed Medication Pumps
SynchroMed implantable medication pumps are utilized for patients whom it benefits to have pain drugs directly delivered to cerebral spinal fluid when they have pain conditions that are intractable, or when they experience severe spasticity symptoms not alleviated by...
Xarelto: Latest News
Xarelto blood thinning medication continues to be the subject of lawsuits due to its dangerous bleeding risks, with no approved antidote to date. Janssen Pharmaceuticals (Johnson & Johnson subsidiary) and Bayer Corporation are now the subjects of consolidated...
BPA Replacement Suspect Too
So you breathed a great sigh of relief when you found out the major bottled water manufacturers and others had replaced the scary Bisphenol A (BPA) used for bottles and other products with Bisphenol S (BPS). The replacement was touted as protection to the consumer...
Teen Drivers and Older, Smaller Cars
Are you in the market for an economically advantageous car for your teenager to kick around town in? Are you thinking a smaller, older car might be just the ticket? You might want to rethink that after a study found that more teenagers die in older cars, especially...
GM Deadly Ignition Switch Defect
Attention owners of General Motors (GM) vehicles: GM defects have fallen through the cracks to the detriment of consumers. A major defect causes GM ignition switches to power off and prevents airbags from deploying during vehicle crashes. Unfortunately, the safety...
Caffeine Powder FDA Warning
Another warning from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is imploring consumers to avoid use of pure caffeine powders after being linked officially to two deaths of young males. These caffeine powders are often used to enhance athletic performance, to work...
Foodborne Illness – Tips for the Holidays
It is assumed you have not invited an unwelcome guest to your holiday celebrations this week, namely food-borne illnesses (aka food poisoning). This pesky guest tries to ruin your party via bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Do you know that 1 in 6 Americans, or 48...