Turkey Fryer Safety
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Inserra & Kelley. As we approach this holiday of gratefulness for all we have been blessed with, Inserra & Kelley wants to remind you that turkey fryers are extremely dangerous. Please observe the...
Distracted Driving Deaths an Increasing Problem in America
Over the past few years, the dangers of distracted driving have become more well-known. According to a University of Nebraska Medical Center study, the national number of pedestrians being killed as a result of distracted driving has suffered an almost 50 percent...
Inserra & Kelley Leads Fundraising Effort of Local Cycling Community for OPD Bike Patrol
As we move towards the end of the year, it is important to keep those in need in mind. This includes our public servants. In October, Kurt Goetzinger, a lifelong cyclist and bicycle advocate contacted Inserra & Kelley partner/attorney Craig Kelley regarding the...
Inserra & Kelley is proud to host the Lawyers Against Hunger Frozen Turkey Giveaway in Omaha, Nebraska again this year. Tickets are being distributed through agencies for the needy by the Omaha Food Bank. You must have a ticket to pick up a frozen turkey. ...
Bicycle/Truck Accidents: Am I in the blind spot?
In 2012, Nebraska motor vehicle accidents took the lives of 212 people and injured 15,872. A motor vehicle accident occurred every 17 minutes. Bicyclists comprised 328 of the injured in 2012, while no bicyclists were killed last year. According to the Nebraska...
Is the Internet Putting You or Your Child at Risk?
“It is actually obscene what you can find out about people on the Internet.” This direct quote is from a man who used an internet information service known as Docusearch to locate and kill a young woman he developed a fixation on in high school. The man developed an...
Winter Weather Awareness Day: Are you prepared?
November 6 has been declared Winter Weather Awareness Day for the State of Nebraska. This is the day to concentrate on preparing for winter weather. In Nebraska, a major winter storm can last for several days and can include, snow, high winds, freezing rain, sleet,...
Do Bicycle Lanes Help Prevent Serious Injuries?
In today’s fitness-centered world, bicycling has become a popular mode of travel and keeping fit. More and more Americans are relying on two-wheeled transportation to get them to and from work, as well as replacing gym memberships for many avid cyclists. Cycling...
Elderly Drivers: How old is TOO old to be behind the wheel?
As we grow older, we become more aware of our own mortality and that of our parents. As we watch them age, we start to notice the little changes, such as forgetting where they left their glasses or keys and then the bigger changes such as failing to take their...