Fisher Price Motion Seats Recalled for Fire Hazard
Motion seats have become an exceedingly popular tool in the toolbox of parents wishing to keep their sweet babies content. Fisher Price has had to recall 63,000 of their soothing motion seats for four different models. There is a danger of overheating covers for the motors in the products that could cause a fire. At least one of the reported defective motion seats did start a fire, and at least 36 motion seats have been reported as overheated.
The models include Fisher Prices’s Soothing Motions Seats and Smart Connect Soothing Motions Seats. The models for the Soothing Motions Seats are CMR35, CMR36, CMR37, and DYH22. The model for the Smart Connect model is CMR39. The number can be found under the motor house and it is recommended that owners of the models contact Fisher Price for a refund or replacement.
If you or a loved one owns one of the subject Fisher Price motion seats and have suffered injuries because of overheating or fire, do not hesitate to contact Inserra | Kelley | Sewell for compassionate expertise concerning whether you may be entitled to compensation for injuries.