Halloween Safety
It’s October and in a couple of weeks Halloween will arrive with all the precious trick or treaters out there celebrating what has become a rite of passage growing up in the United States of America. Parents can do some things to assure their children’s’ safety, such as utilizing well-known routes, trick or treating in groups with an older kid present, checking their children’s’ spoils before allowing them to eat it, instructing their children regarding stranger danger, and putting reflective clothing or stickers on their costumes. Responsible motorists out there should also be ready for the fact that no matter how much parents instruct and warn their children, they are not fool-proof and everyone will need to watch out to ensure a fun and safe Halloween.
Motorists should be ready for children darting out onto the roadway, even unexpectedly from between parked cars. They should be on the lookout, with abundant caution, for children on the roads, medians, curbs, driveways, and alleys. There will be plenty of children out there with dark clothing on so keep an eagle eye out for such possibilities as the sun goes down. Remember that Halloween can be the deadliest day of the year for child pedestrians, so do your part and keep them safe as much as it is possible. A great example of a person out there caring about the safety of others on Halloween brings the story of a businessman in Minnesota who is taking his responsibility to look out for kids on Halloween to a very admirable level. He is doing an online giveaway of 3M Scotch lite reflective kits for use on Halloween costumes. It is great to salute people out there contributing to the safety of consumers and their children when so often our firm finds itself having to report the opposite!
If you or a loved one is injured in an unfortunate pedestrian accident, in which you are not at fault, feel free to contact Inserra & Kelley Law Offices to see if you may be entitled to compensation. Otherwise, just follow Halloween safety tips to keep you, your loved ones, and the loved ones of your fellow humans safe this Halloween!