Love of Caffeine has Become a Dangerous Thing
In addition to loving caffeine and its energy boosting properties, Americans have become more and more dependent upon it to help them in their ever increasingly demanding days. People are overdoing things and turning to higher and higher concentrations of caffeine in convenient products. Rather than having to drink many cups of coffee or tea, they are turning to products marketed as high energy drinks, gums, pills, or powders to get them started in their days and to keep them going until well after the sun has set. The problems have arisen with too much of a supposedly good thing causing caffeine overdoses that are sending people to the Emergency Room and even the morgue due to nasty side effects from high doses and cardiac arrests. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is sounding the alarms to the manufacturers and the American consumer of caffeine stimulants to beware of high doses. For instance, 5-hour Energy has been the subject of an FDA investigation after 13 deaths were linked to it in 2012 and numerous warnings have been issued to other companies. After all, a seemingly innocent consumption of two of those majorly hyped energy drinks in 24 hours led to the cardiac arrest of a 14 year old girl, while a high school wrestler died after trying to enhance performance with powdered caffeine. Caffeine dependence has become such a problem in the United States that caffeine withdrawal has been officially classified as a mental health disorder and specialists in the medical field are needed in order to help patients with the significant withdrawal problems.
Just because a product is manufactured and marketed to the American consumer, does not always make it healthy. Inserra & Kelley Law Offices desires to warn you, the consumer, about the safety dangers lurking in all sorts of products marketed to be beneficial to you and your family.