Wright Hip Replacement Lawsuits
Wright Medical Group is involved in ongoing litigation regarding the profemur replacement systems they manufactured for hip replacements. The product has been found to cause complications with early failure, leading to severe pain, difficulty walking and standing, and the subsequent loss of mobility. Some patients have had the device break a few years following the surgical implantation of it.
Most hip replacement devices are made with a singular femoral component, but the Wright product was supposed to be used in order to provide a more custom fit with adjustments for the patient’s particular leg length. With the bells and whistles of the two-part Wright product, complications have abounded that detract from the patient’s enjoyment of life. Therefore, Wright Medical Group could be looking at spending approximately thirty-nine million dollars in legal costs while defending itself against lawsuits by consumers who have suffered unduly from their product.
If you or someone you know has had a Wright Profemur MDL implanted and have had complications, you may be entitled to compensation. See your doctor and contact the caring professionals at Inserra & Kelley Law Offices to discuss your specific options.