Month: January 2015

BPA Replacement Suspect Too

So you breathed a great sigh of relief when you found out the major bottled water manufacturers and others had replaced the scary Bisphenol A (BPA) used for bottles and other products with Bisphenol S (BPS). The replacement was touted as protection to the consumer...

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Teen Drivers and Older, Smaller Cars

Are you in the market for an economically advantageous car for your teenager to kick around town in? Are you thinking a smaller, older car might be just the ticket? You might want to rethink that after a study found that more teenagers die in older cars, especially...

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GM Deadly Ignition Switch Defect

Attention owners of General Motors (GM) vehicles: GM defects have fallen through the cracks to the detriment of consumers. A major defect causes GM ignition switches to power off and prevents airbags from deploying during vehicle crashes. Unfortunately, the safety...

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