Beware of Popular GoPro Distractions
With the holidays approaching, consumers are starting to shop and there are gifts out there that will be very popular this year, with one being the GoPro camera. 2015 promises to be another big year for the GoPro and it is not unusual for parents to gift this to their teenagers. With another technological wonder also comes the potential for dangers coming from risk taking, but also from distracted users. While extreme sport participants might be schooled in the art of risk taking, and accustomed to it, the average teenager is not. The GoPro can bring temptation to engage in riskier activities for the sake of great video, so parents should be ready to lay down strict rules and warnings regarding their use. It can give the average parent nightmares to imagine their child out on a bike, boat, skate board, surfboard, snowboard, or other recreational equipment with a GoPro along to promote more risk taking or distractions, but parents should also be aware that GoPros have also been used while driving motor vehicles, bringing the potential for distracted driving and risk-taking while driving. A GoPro spokesperson told an ABC news reporter that it is vital that people gifting or receiving GoPros understand safety tips and rules concerning the use of these sought after devices.
Inserra & Kelley Law Offices hopes your upcoming holidays are full of enjoyment and vitality, so wants all to be aware of safety issues with popular holiday gifts and products. If you or a loved one has been injured in a motor vehicle accident caused by another, do not hesitate to contact our office to see whether you may be entitled to compensation. Distracted driving accidents are a reality in our society with the popularity of distracting technologies and behaviors of drivers out there on the road, whether the distraction is a cell phone, GPS, or something like a GoPro. Be ready on the roads with safety in mind for fellow motorists, as well as defensive driving skills for yourself and your loved ones.