Elmiron Lawsuit
Elmiron Lawsuit
Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium – PPS), is a medication prescribed to treat pain associated with the chronic bladder condition known as interstitial cystitis (IC). The drug has been prescribed for decades, but new studies are tying long-term Elmiron use to possible retinal damage, vision loss, and blindness. Patients who took Elmiron showed unusual changes to the center of the retina (the macula) which is responsible for clear, focused vision. Tens, if not hundreds of thousands of Americans who took Elmiron could be at risk of developing maculopathy, a disease that can cause permanent vision damage. If you took Elmiron to treat pain associated with IC and then developed vision problems, you may be eligible to participate in an Elmiron lawsuit. Contact the law office of Inserra | Kelley | Cooper | Sewell in Omaha, NE and talk to our Elmiron vision loss lawyer to learn how you may be eligible for injury compensation.
Elmiron Vision Loss and Blindness Lawsuit
Patients who were prescribed Elmiron and developed maculopathy and vision problems are accusing Janssen Pharmaceuticals, the drug’s manufacturer, of failing to warn the public about the risks of permanent vision damage, especially ocular toxicity. In 2019, American Academy of Ophthalmology researchers presented findings showing links between PPS use and vision-threatening eye conditions in the macula. If you were prescribed Elmiron and developed changes in your vision, you should contact IKCS Attorneys because you could be eligible for a Elmiron lawsuit.
Elmiron Side Effects
Janssen Pharmaceuticals lists Elmiron side effects:
- Headache
- Rash
- Upset stomach
- Abnormal liver functions
- dizziness
- Hair loss
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Blood in the stool
- Bruising
- Weight gain
- Swelling
Janssen did not issue warnings about potential vision damage or loss. The American Academy of Ophthalmology report lists additional symptoms including:
- Difficulty reading
- Taking a long time to adjust to the dark
- Difficulty seeing close objects
- Dimming of vision
- Paracentral scotoma, blurred vision (often centrally in the patient’s field of vision)
- Dark spots in center of vision
- Straight lines appearing curved or squiggly
- Muted, less vivid colors
Symptoms of Maculopathy
Maculopathy (macular degeneration) is often painless, and patients might have trouble detecting symptoms early on. Maculopathy symptoms you should check on include:
- Image / Vision Distortion (objects appearing smaller or deformed)
- A spot where patients are unable to see
- Difficulty with adjusting to dark / dim lighting
- Gradual loss of vision
- Issues with focusing eyesight
Do I Qualify for an Elmiron Lawsuit?
IKCS Attorneys are currently accepting Elmiron lawsuits. If you were prescribed Elmiron for at least two years and developed maculopathy symptoms, eye disorders, or other vision problems, you could qualify. Symptoms and injuries include, but are not limited to: maculopathy (macular degeneration), vision impairment or loss, unilateral or bilateral blindness, reduced nighttime and dark light vision, macular dystrophy, and retinopathy.
If you were prescribed Elmiron and developed any of these injuries, contact an Elmiron vision loss lawyer right away to discuss your legal options, including filing an Elmiron lawsuit.
Hiring an Elmiron Maculopathy Lawyer
Hiring an experienced bad drug lawyer is critical for earning full compensation for your damages and suffering. Inserra | Kelley | Cooper | Sewell Attorneys has a nationwide team of experienced bad drug attorneys with a proven track records of success. We will work with you to hold Janssen Pharmaceuticals accountable and successfully pursue your drug injury lawsuit. IKCS Attorneys offers free, no-obligation case consultations for all potential Elmiron vision loss and blindness lawsuit clients. Contact Craig Kelley today to learn more about potential Elmiron case and legal options.
“More Evidence Linking Common Bladder Medication to a Vision-Threatening Eye Condition.” American Academy of Ophthalmology, 11 Dec. 2019,
Robert Glatter, MD. “New Study Adds Concern That Medication To Treat Painful Bladder Condition Linked To Vision-Threatening Eye Condition.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 18 Oct. 2019,
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