Wright Hip Replacement Lawsuits

Wright Medical Group is involved in ongoing litigation regarding the profemur replacement systems they manufactured for hip replacements.  The product has been found to cause complications with early failure, leading to severe pain, difficulty walking and standing, and the subsequent loss of mobility.  Some patients have had the device break a few years following the surgical implantation of it.

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Flesh Eating Bacteria and Warm Seawater

Planning some fun vacation time in the sun and surf where delicious seafood abounds? Be careful. A deadly bacteria has caused infection in seven and death for two in 2015 in Florida. The potentially flesh eating bacteria thrives in warm seawater and is primarily a problem with people eat food, such as raw shellfish, contaminated with Vibrio Vulnificus. The bacteria can also infect people enjoying warm saltwater with open wounds and this is where the flesh eating property comes in with the forming of skin ulcers and breakdown.

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Johnson & Johnson Morcellator Device Spreads Cancer

Once again Johnson & Johnson shows its true colors in allowing a defective, dangerous product to be used in real live patients. Johnson & Johnson recalled and withdrew from the market a power morcellator used in laparoscopic hysterectomy surgeries. These surgeries were of the minimally invasive variety, with the morcellator grinding up uterine fibroid tissue to be removed by very, very small incisions. The problem is that this device has been found to endanger women, rather than help them, by actually spreading cancer throughout a woman’s pelvis and abdomen, “significantly worsen…the patient’s likelihood of long-term survival,” a quote from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

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Bicycle Commuting: We All Share the Roads

Despite modern efforts in many communities regarding bicycle access and safety, this mode of transportation can be one of the most dangerous. Many communities have built and improved their bicycle trail systems, with more connections, and added bicycle dedicated lanes to busy commuting streets.

Communities have become more conscientious, due in large part to community bicycling advocacy groups, about getting out the word to resident motorists that with the increase in popularity of bicycling, they need to be aware and vigilant of bicycles out on the road, while also being courteous and respectful of their rights to enjoy the road.

Unfortunately, with the increase in bicycling many communities have also seen an increase in dangerous accidents involving bicyclists. That is not to say that motorists alone are to blame for bicycle accidents. Both bicyclists and motorists need to gain better understanding of the rules of the road and safe traveling.

Safety Doesn’t Stop at Helmets

Many of us are all too familiar with the friendly, persistent reminders that bicycle safety involves wearing a bicycle helmet whenever riding. However, accidents occur whether or not a rider is wearing a helmet. While the helmet may help prevent the worst of head injuries, it will not prevent the accident from occurring in the first place.

The US Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) 2012 data on bicyclist accidents gives sobering statistics. In 2012 in the United States there were 726 bicycle fatalities and 49,000 bicycle injuries in motor vehicle accident crashes (NHTSA Traffic Safety Facts on Bicyclists).  In addition to these statistics the NHTSA states that 69% of 2012’s bicyclist fatalities occurred in urban areas, the average age of those killed in such accidents was 43, and 88% were males.

In Nebraska in 2012, there were 323 crashes that were reported and 328 bicyclists injured (Nebraska Bicycle/Motor Vehicle Crashes). The Nebraska Medical Center reported alarming numbers in regards to children in its accident statistics. It stated that each year there are approximately 100 child bicycle fatalities and 254,000 child bicycle injuries (Child Bicycle Accident Statistics).

5 Tips for Staying Safe

So what can the informed bicyclist know to avoid being one of the statistics of injured or killed riders? Here are some bicycle safety tips inspired by BicycleSafe.com on how not to get hit by cars, with detailed information on how to avoid a multitude of bicycle accident types.


1. Those extra accessories can help.

You may consider investing in a headlight, especially an LED headlight, so that you are highly visible before the sun is up, at dusk, at night or when riding in the crosswalk (although NOT riding on the sidewalk altogether is the safer bet). A rear bicycle light can also be useful in helping others spot you.

Another suggestion is to purchase handlebar or helmet mirrors so that you can look in the mirror when approaching an intersection to also avoid the right-turning motorist intersection collision.

2. Suspicious a driver may not see you? Get their attention.

Use hand signals to communicate with those you share the road with.

Another suggestion, despite the possibility of embarrassment, is to not be afraid to wave and even yell when in doubt about whether a driver sees you. You should not refuse to slow down so that you can make eye contact with a driver or avoid collision.

3. Position yourself to be most visible. 

Perhaps surprising to some, the site suggests you ride further to the left in a bike or traffic lane, or further from the curb, so that motorists will notice you when looking out for other motor vehicles but not bicyclists.

You should never pull beside a vehicle in its blind spot when stopping for a red traffic light or stop sign. Such a position makes you extremely vulnerable to a right-turning vehicle not seeing your bicycle once he or she can proceed.

Choose wide streets as much as possible, and avoid the practice of weaving in and out of traffic lanes or the parking lane.

4. Wear bright clothing. 

Wear bright, neon clothing to help you stand out and become more visible to drivers who may not be looking out for bicyclists.

5. Practice defensive riding.

You may consider leaving phones and ear buds with music blaring out of the ride, and riding as if invisible.

Motorists: Stay Alert

If you are a motorist, please stay alert, pay attention, and be courteous. The lives of others depend on this and you will likely be prosecuted in the case of an accident in which you are at fault. Remember the old commandment to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” …or your kids, spouse, dad, or mom.


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Cyclist Hit by Car–What To Do in Nebraska

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Asthma Steriods Cause Adrenal Gland Side Effects

Steroids are commonly prescribed for sufferers of asthma and allergies, but a study has now found that once these prescribed steroids are finished many patients could experience adrenal insufficiency, which can be dangerous, especially in the instance of a major stress (i.e. surgery, illness, injury).  Corticosteroids are purposed to mimic naturally adrenal gland produced cortisol and generally prescribed for a variety of reasons to reduce inflammation.  Inflammation counters are often necessary in conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, allergies, psoriasis, lupus, blood cancers, and organ transplants.   When the adrenal insufficiency side effect occurs, a couple of vital hormones are not produced in sufficient amounts, including cortisol and aldosterone.  The cortisol is necessary in helping the body react to stress, to recover from infections, and to regulate both blood pressure and metabolism.  Aldosterone helps keep a balance of salt, potassium, and water in the body.  After stopping the man-made corticosteroids, it can take a while for the body to start producing these two hormones again in sufficient amounts, so medication is needed to combat this side effect. 

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Dilantin Lawsuits

Stevens Johnson Syndrome is a condition many have likely not heard of, but if you suffer from temporal lobe seizures, grand mal seizures, and/or epilepsy, you may be taking the medication, Dilantin, as an anticonvulsant medication to manage such conditions.  Unfortunately, the very medication meant to help you with your medical problem can cause Stevens Johnson Syndrome, a condition that can be fatal.  Dilantin is the subject of some current lawsuits, but there are also other medications that can cause the condition that the public should be aware of, including antibiotics, other anticonvulsants, sedatives, and painkillers.  It is important to look at the packaging for your particular medication, always, to see whether this condition is a possible side effect.   

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Child Car Seat Napping Can Be Deadly

How many of you out there have hoped against all hope that your little one would take a nap once experiencing the lull of a car ride in the child car seat?  There is a great chance almost every parent can relate.  However, studies have found that this innocent act, as well as sleeping in baby swings, bouncers, strollers, and slings can have deadly consequences when the strapping systems are not used exactly as directed by the manufacturers.  For instance, if the lower seat buckles are not secured properly, the child can slip down into the seat while sleeping and the strap can strangle the child.  This has been known to occur in as little as four minutes to tragic consequences. 

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Memorial Day Weekend Safety

On Memorial Day weekend there are an estimated thirty-seven million people traveling and enjoying the long weekend that kicks off summertime.  With the extra traveling and celebrating, of course there are unfortunate accidents involving travel, boating, sun/weather, food, and fires.  While taking time to honor our country’s veterans who have sacrificed for all, fun can still be had as long as we all keep in mind some safety tips.

If you are traveling, be sure your vehicle is in good working order, that you drive defensively, that you wear your seat belt, that you do not engage in distracted driving, and that you never drive under the influence or when fatigued.  If some of your driving or riding is behind the wheel of a recreational boat, be sure to remember again to never drink and boat and always wear a life vest.  Also, be sure to be defensive and be on the lookout for skiers/boarders, jet skis, and swimmers.  Be particularly on the lookout for children out enjoying the weekend in the water and on the shore.  If you are one of the swimmers, be sure to swim in a group and follow the rules for whatever swimming area you are enjoying. 

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Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month for good reason.  The weather is warmer and the motorcycles are back out on the roads to enjoy the open road and pursue their motorcycle passion.  With more motorcycles out on the road, unfortunately, comes more accidents that yield injuries and fatalities.  Therefore, Motorcycle Safety Awareness month seeks to warn drivers to watch out for motorcycles and motorcycles to drive defensively and be on the constant lookout.  Right here in Nebraska, the interstate has signs alerting drivers to watch out for motorcycles.  Law enforcement is doing all they can to warn motorcyclists and their fellow drivers out on the roads to be alert and think safety first.   

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Harley Davidson Recall

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month and beware motorcycle owners, as motorcycle giant Harley-Davidson  has issued a huge recall of 2014 and 2015 models of their bikes because of defective clutch master cylinders.  The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NTSA) says the models being recalled from the aforementioned years include the Road King, Road Glide, Electra Glide, Police Electra Glide, and the Ultra Limited, almost forty-six thousand bikes.  Already, there have been some injuries and accidents due to the defective clutches, as they can be stopped from generating the lift needed to disengage the clutch.  For those of you with bikes that have been out of use for a little while, the danger is greater that defect will be encountered. 

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