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Meet Tracy

Tracy has 30 years of experience working primarily on the other side of the law, with well-known insurance firms defending personal injury lawsuits in the Omaha metro-area prior to joining IKS.  That experience provided her with valuable insight to the defense side strategies of litigation, which she carries over to helping IKS clients navigate the litigation process.  There is often a daunting goliath of insurance defense paperwork facing injured clients, and Tracy helps guide them step by step from the time their lawsuit is filed until the case is resolved either through settlement, mediation or trialverdict.  Tracy enjoys working directly with clients and their families, and is committed to making them feel heard, supported and valued while presenting their case in the best possible manner.

Tracy is a Nebraska native who enjoys spending time outdoors as much as possible.  Her passions are boating, fishing, hiking, music and gardening.  She enjoys spending time with family and friends, her rescue animals, and attending live music and concerts, traveling and dinner parties.